Welcome to the Reception class page!
We are a busy class of 28 children enjoying our first year at school. Miss Roberts is our class teacher. Mrs Quinn is our Teaching Assistant .
Phonics Support and Reading Scheme information
Please visit the website below should you need help when doing phonics at home with your child. You need to scroll down to the 'Say the Sound' section. In Reception we use the Oxford Reading Tree book scheme and Floppy's Phonics scheme.
I have added a link to help support the correct phonic pronunciation, as it is important to get the ‘pure’ sound’.
Please find below the parent guide to using Tapestry should you need further help. If anyone would like further support please don't hesitate to come and see me.
Parents Maths Meeting
Maths parent workshop video
Maths parent workshop video
Parents Phonics / Literacy / Reading Meeting
Parents Phonics / Literacy / Reading Meeting Handout

Reception class 2021 - 2022
Reception’s first PE lesson.
Reception children enjoyed celebrating the schools 125th anniversary, especially the afternoon tea!
Christmas party day and a visit from Father Christmas!
Gymnastic - fun day!
RE - this half terms topic is ‘Getting to know Jesus’.
We have been learning about the story of when Jesus went to the temple as a boy - Luke 2:41-52. In provision the children have painted and built their own temples.
World Book Day - 2022
Reception had a wonderful day on our trip to the farm. We feed the animals, went on a safari ride, really enjoyed our pack lunches and had a great time on the bouncy pillows and the outdoor climbing frame.
Fun at Receptions Sports Day!
Great fun during Health Week!